Community Access

Community Access

Community Access


Discovering Amistad Open House will be at Mystic Seaport on 4/20 & 4/21

Discovering Amistad is offering tours of the Amistad ship. Visit the Mystic Seaport Museum and learn about how the ship was built, the story of the Amistad Rebellion, and how we use the vessel today.

Take a visit to Mystic Seaport from 12pm- 4pm on April 20th & 21st, and learn about the history of the Amistad ship and more importantly of the Amistad Africans who bravely rebelled against their captures during a time when the slave trade was illegal. Discovering Amistad wants to spread knowledge of this incredible history while also teaching of the connections to the racial injustice in today's world.

Admission to the exhibit is free with purchase of museum admission.

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